Wednesday, March 10, 2010

If only it could be like this every day.

The weather outside is my perfect weather.

It is completely overcast, but not at all rainy, and warm enough to wear a T-shirt outside.

I'm lying on my bed with the windows open just listening to the heart of Manhattan and feeling the warm breeze floating past my dancing blue window shades.

Yes, I hear the more-than-occasional taxi horn blast or wails coming from police cars and firetrucks, but there's also the whizzing of cars as they speed down 9th Avenue, the laughter coming from a gaggle of 20-somethings on their way to the club, and buzz from the smokers who've stepped outside the newly reopened Lincoln Park Bar & Grill downstairs.

As I watch my husband brush his teeth and get ready for bed near Chloe lying contentedly in her dog bed, I can't help but just be peaceful and, well... happy. I'm happy with my life, my job, my social life, and against everything I would have thought a few years ago, I'm happy in Manhattan. Life is good.

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