Friday, November 7, 2008

Maybe it's because I am a dork, but I thought it was clever

I love Halloween and love to dress up when I get the chance.

Brent does not.

So it was a challenge for me to try and figure out a way where we could dress up for this Halloween party we were invited to in Connecticut, but not actually dress up.

Some ideas I was tossing around included the lame idea of us wearing all of our college sportswear and going as college football fans. Boo.

But since I love a play on words, I came up with this idea:

Both Brent and I would wear blue from head to toe - matching blue long-sleeved shirts and pants - and would each wear a name tag. Mine said "Jean" and his said "Gene." Therefore, we would be...


HAHAHA! I thought it was clever.

For the record, Brent agreed to this idea after we mentioned it to his college buddies, and they thought it was a good idea.

However, it totally backfired because once we got to the party, we saw that virtually NO ONE ELSE was dressed up - not even the hosts - even though the invitation clearly said "Be sure to wear a costume!"

So since we were essentially wearing jeans and long-sleeved shirts, albeit matching, it didn't look as if we were wearing costumes. And since we knew only a few people at this party, people gave us funny looks when the host introduced us as "Brent and Erika" because we were wearing name tags saying "Gene and Jean."

So we not only confused this sophisticated group who was mostly sipping wine and nibbling on catered finger-foods that were being cooked on-site by a hired chef, but we also looked like total dorks with the same name who felt it was necessary to wear name tags to a party.

Talk about your ultimate backfires.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved this post. All I could do was laugh. Mom