Friday, April 30, 2010

So sick of being sick

I'm sure all I have to do is take a sip of water and that itch in my throat will go away immediately, I thought hopefully. I JUST got over being sick; there's no way I'm coming down with something AGAIN.

It's times like these that I hate living on an island with 8.2 million other people. I blame the constant close contact with strangers that is impossible to escape. There's always some guy hacking next to you while you're trying to find a little more elbow room to get away from him on the subway or a teenager turning toward you to sneeze at the exact moment you're trying to pass her on the sidewalk.

So I felt like I was coming down with something on Saturday (don't you hate that feeling?) that became a full-blown cold on Sunday. So I had to skip my football game and take it easy with the hubby, which was a good idea because while I still felt sick, couldn't taste or smell anything, and was coughing every few seconds, the misery was manageable on Monday and Tuesday.

But then I had to go and overexert myself with a 90-minute, one-on-one rehearsal with the director of the play that I'm in before rushing to get to my basketball game on time. Toward the end of the game, I was waving off my teammates asking me if I wanted to come off the bench because I knew I was done. My body was telling me loud and clear that this wasn't one of those times that you feel better once you've exercised.

So even after a hot bath and choking down a horrible mug of TheraFlu, I stayed in my bed from Wednesday night until Friday morning, only getting out of bed to visit the restroom and get another bowl of yogurt. But that day of rest was exactly what I needed because although I still felt crappy on Friday, it wasn't enough to skip another day of work. Although a four-day weekend of rest and relaxation was pretty tempting.

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