Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Is it just me or is it really hot and MCSTEAMY in here?

Before moving to New York City, I was told by a veteran New Yorker that it was a city full of anonymous faces.

And boy is that true. No matter how many times I walk around my own block, I still manage to see people I've never seen before every time.

Unfortunately for them, celebrities can never be a part of this anonymity - even if they don't live here.

One such example is Rebecca Gayheart, whom I recognize every time she comes into my coffee shop even though none of my co-workers know who the heck she is. I know her from the 1999 movie Jawbreaker, and, of course, because she's married to Grey's Anatomy's resident McSteamy Eric Dane. Through small talk with her and other customers who approach her, I've learned she's living in New York for awhile while starring in the Broadway comedy Boeing-Boeing on Broadway.

Though I do feel a bit bad for her that it's rare for her to be able to come in and just buy a cup of coffee or coffee beans without someone saying something to her, even if it's just, "I loved your play," such is the case with all celebrities. Comes with the title!

This is why that even though I probably did a triple-take followed by a series of quick glances when her McHottie hubby showed up to get some coffee early the other evening, I composed myself enough to then smile and ask him what type of milk he wanted in his two triple espresso macchiatos (read: SIX shots of espresso with some foam). This was, or course, after I asked my co-worker, "Is it just me or is it hot in here?" which is my probably obvious way of informing my colleagues that a hottie's raising the temperature in the store.

Afterward, I was a little disappointed at myself for being so star-struck. I mean they're no one special and they're just people too, blah, blah, blah.

But this one IS THAT HOT in real life. Talk about tall, dark, and ridiculously handsome. I'm totally updating my top 5 list!


Anonymous said...

Mc Steamy better still be there when I come to NY. I guess I'll have to do some hanging around the coffee shop. Mom

Anonymous said...

At least you talked to him - I would have just stood there like a dolt! He is handsome in the extreme! Aunt Carol Ray