Thursday, October 1, 2009

And it was bright orange. Awesome.

One of my biggest pet peeves at the coffee shop (although I must admit I'm a complete hypocrite, although I will at least apologize when I do it to someone else) is when I have to "interrupt" customers' cell phone conversations to ask them what they would like to order.

I've gotten around this by blatantly skipping the people who are on their cell phones and asking the people behind them what they would like. This gets them off the phone R-E-A-L quick.

Cell phones are annoying, yet essential and nothing new. In fact, I was in a cab today and saw headline roll by that said "New Yorkers say they like sex a little more than they like their phones." In my mind, I disagreed with that statement just a bit. Sadly, my cell phone is my lifeline at times and I actually, ashamedly, sleep right next to it at night.

But what IS new is cell phones that look like landlines.

I wasn't quick enough to get a photo, but on the street today, I passed by a guy who was talking on a bright orange telephone receiver that reminded me of the one attached to my grandma's rotary phone. (Side note: While writing this blog post, I just yelled to my husband, "what's that phone called that has a dial on it that you put your finger in and turned?" Because he didn't know, I found the term - rotary phone - because I Googled "old phone." HAHA!)

And he wasn't a crazy person with an old rotary phone receiver. It was PLUGGED INTO HIS CELL PHONE so he appeared as if he were talking on a land line (pretty soon people will be Googling that phrase) while walking down the street. Click here to see what I'm talking about.

And at "only" $45, who doesn't want to enjoy this blast from the past?

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