Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why I love the guys on my basketball team

"Let's go out for drinks, since we're near McSorley's," Rob said to me and the other three guys on our Zogsports basketball team after our game on Wednesday.

Two declined, but one guy along with myself said we were in.

"I'm totally down, but I don't have any cash," I said, knowing from the week before that McSorley's doesn't accept credit cards.

"What a surprise. Erika can't pay for drinks," Rob replied.

"You know I don't do it on purpose," I retorted. "I just haven't been able to make it to the bank."

"Yeah, right," Rob replied.

"Well if you wait for a minute, I can run to the ATM," I said.

"That would be nice," Rob called after me, as I hustled down the block to take out some cash.

After two rounds of drinks, I asked for the check, ceremoniously pulled out my wallet while shooting Rob a look, and reached for my cash.

"Don't worry about it. We got it this week," Rob said, nudging the other guy, who both put in enough money to cover all our drinks.

"What?!?! No!!" I said, throwing two $20s into the pile, which were promptly returned to me.

"Well then why the hell did you make me go to the bank?" I ask Rob, shooting him a second dirty look.

"So you could at least pretend that you were going to actually pay for something," he replied.

"Whatever, Rob."

* * * * * * * * *

"No, I don't really want to go to the club tonight," I said to my two, quite drunk basketball teammates around 10:30 p.m. on Friday. "We've been out since happy hour, and I came right from work so I didn't even attempt to look nice."

"Clearly," Rob replied, eyeing my jeans and plain gray T-shirt.

Rolling my eyes and brushing him off, I went on: "Besides, I have to be home by 12:30."

"Wait, what?" Rob asked. "You have a curfew?"

"No, I don't have a curfew," I retorted. "I just told Brent that I'd be home by 12:30 and I don't want him to worry about me."

"Really? Or do you have to go home early because you're a loser?" Rob asked.

"Yes, Rob. I have to go home early because I'm a loser," I repeated sarcastically.

"Clearly," Rob said again.

"You know I seriously hate you sometimes, right?" I ask him.

"No you don't," he said, grinning at me.

"No, I don't," I sighed.

"I only tease you because I know you can take it," he said.

"Yeah, I know," I replied, nodding my head. "You certainly keep it interesting."

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